Friday, February 25, 2011

The Story of Us

Today's rant is brought to you by House. lol

Why is it that not everyone gets what it means to love or show love? They say they love but it's not your definition of love. Co-existing isn't love. Amazing sex isn't love. Lack of interest isn't love.

It seems that I haven't, yet, learned the lesson I need to learn because I end up in the same cycle. Different person, but the same theme. The same response, "Nothing I do for you is ever good enough." Well no. It's not.

How hard is it to show the little things? To take time to read my blog. To show interest in what I'm creating. To ask me about my day. To actually listen and save the information in your mind. To respond to texts or links. To appreciate and show respect. Guess it's pretty darned hard for some. Oh, but if something is "wrong" all of a sudden, that's when they're scrambling to find out info. That's when my blog is read. That's when my texts are responded. That's when bouquets appear. That's when. I don't get it.

The other day I was listening to the song "Grenade" by Bruno Mars. It's a really sad song, if I do say so myself. The guy is willing to risk his life for an unrequited love. It's pretty dumb, too. Seriously. You know this girl doesn't love you the way you love her. So, move on. But, it's never that simple. It's the battle between your heart and mind. I'm not at the Grenade point in my life. I was at one point, but all of the burn that's gone on has completely numbed me. I am, however, constantly in the heart vs. mind battle. I'm routing for the mind.


  1. Good reading... pretty much my life as well. I don't get the lack of interest either.. I get why there is fishing when things go wrong and blogs are read at that given time.. because the lack of communication is huge. No matter how hard I attempt to explain my concerns... it's never really heard. Sad part is that I'm better off not saying anything at all and just accepting that he doesn't get me. I'm get where you are coming from.

  2. I just figured out my cycle. I'm dating my mother! Ugh. My ma called me to tell me about a dinner. I told her I didn't know if I could cuz I'm getting those tests done at the hospital. She said, "Oh. But you'll be done by 7, right?" Seriously?! smh

  3. Wow.. :/ Sorry dux.

    Oh and text me when you get results.. hope things go well and it's an easy fix. :)

  4. I don't know if they'll tell me anything today. :/

  5. When they took my x-rays on my stomach.. they told me the same day.. It was the sono that took a few days.

  6. It'll be nice to have some sort of feedback. A week is a long time to wait!

  7. Yeah. Hopefully they can get back to you today. :)

  8. your mother doesn't sound good.. Stop dating.
