Friday, February 25, 2011

The Story of Us

Today's rant is brought to you by House. lol

Why is it that not everyone gets what it means to love or show love? They say they love but it's not your definition of love. Co-existing isn't love. Amazing sex isn't love. Lack of interest isn't love.

It seems that I haven't, yet, learned the lesson I need to learn because I end up in the same cycle. Different person, but the same theme. The same response, "Nothing I do for you is ever good enough." Well no. It's not.

How hard is it to show the little things? To take time to read my blog. To show interest in what I'm creating. To ask me about my day. To actually listen and save the information in your mind. To respond to texts or links. To appreciate and show respect. Guess it's pretty darned hard for some. Oh, but if something is "wrong" all of a sudden, that's when they're scrambling to find out info. That's when my blog is read. That's when my texts are responded. That's when bouquets appear. That's when. I don't get it.

The other day I was listening to the song "Grenade" by Bruno Mars. It's a really sad song, if I do say so myself. The guy is willing to risk his life for an unrequited love. It's pretty dumb, too. Seriously. You know this girl doesn't love you the way you love her. So, move on. But, it's never that simple. It's the battle between your heart and mind. I'm not at the Grenade point in my life. I was at one point, but all of the burn that's gone on has completely numbed me. I am, however, constantly in the heart vs. mind battle. I'm routing for the mind.

Illustration Friday -- Layers

Here's another little ode to Starbucks. This week's topic was: Layers and what a better way to show layers than to illustrate their Caramel Macchiato. :D

I cut down on my coffee and tea intake and have elected to drink Starbucks 1-2x a week. I normally order myself a Soy Chai Tea Latte (Iced or Hot), but this week the Caramel Macchiato worked as my "Layers" illustration. And heck, it's pretty tastey, too! :D

Next week's topic: Swarm

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Retro Sweets

Do you remember the days of Bazooka bubble gum, Garbage Pail Kids collectors cards with gum, Wax Lips, Tiny Chiclets, Candy cigarrettes and the Big League Chew? The other day a FB friend of mine was wondering why they didn't make the Peach flavored Jolly Ranchers anymore; which are also one of my favorites. I searched online and found that they're sold in a variety package called "Passion Mix" at my local Albertson's. Yay!

I still have my collection of Garbage Pail Kids cards stored away at my mom's. lol Hey! Maybe they're worth something!

So, I began to reminisce about my middle school days when I'd stop at the nearby 7-11 for quick and sweet deal. 5 Super Bubbles for 25¢! What a bargain! I haven't seen the Apple Super Bubble in ages. Once in a while I'll stroll down the candy isle looking for this particular brand and flavor and hadn't found them until now at Retro Candy Online.
*sigh* Now I get to remember what my first French kiss tasted like. True story. lol

Thankful Thursdays!

It's that time of week again! :)

  • I'm grateful to have medical and dental insurance for myself and my Mini Me
  • I'm grateful that there are new advances in medical and dental technology
  • I'm grateful that my current job gives me extra funds to use for medical purposes like getting my Mini Me glasses for the first time
  • I'm grateful EVERY DAY for having a reliable vehicle that I love :)
  • I'm grateful that my divorce settlement is almost over
  • I'm grateful that the X and I get along so much better now
  • I'm grateful my tax return came in and was enough to pay off some debt
  • I'm grateful to have a quick witted, loving, understanding and intelligent son
  • I'm grateful that my Mini Me's dog, Brina, is always happy to see me
  • I'm grateful to be able to take personal time off to get myself checked out
  • I'm grateful to Wendy's for having some tastey salads (The Apple Pecan Chicken Salad and their Baja Salad are soooooo good)
  • I'm grateful that my job is finally keeping me busier during the day
  • I'm grateful I have a new sketchbook arriving via snail mail
  • I'm grateful to still have money in the bank and more coming my way
  • I'm grateful to be able to go to "The Bank of my Mini Me"; even if he charges 10% interest :D
  • I'm grateful that I'll get to pay him back next week. lol
  • I'm grateful for homemade oatmeal that magically appears most mornings ♥
  • I'm grateful that I can make my Mini Me's birthday wish come true.... soon :) (He wants to go to Yosemite National Park)
  • I'm grateful to have a Mini Me that loves the outdoors as much as I do
  • I'm grateful that my Mini Me thinks I'm the best artist there is; even if I tell him there are tons of others that can outdo me in different areas of art ;) He'll say, "No, mom. You're still the best!"
  • I'm grateful to be able to dream and have so many goals that I still want to accomplish ♥
"Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty." ~Doris Day

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Illustrating for Fun! :D

There's something about Illustrations made for children that give me the warm fuzzies. They're carefree, fun and full of color! When I became a mom, I became more and more interested in illustrating children's books (amongst other things in the art world). Better yet, I've dreamed of writing and illustrating my own series. It's still an aspiration of mine, so why not start practicing? ;) While my Mini Me was watching "World World" on PBS, I decided to take the liberty to tweak Dog, which got me thinking about my dog, Brina.

I rarely get to see Brina (my Mini Me's dog) or Pixel (my Mini Me's cat) since they live with their dad. However, I got to hang out with Brina the other day and I snapped a pic of her peering up at me requesting to be let out. Using that pic, this was my attempt at illustrating both Brina and Pixel.

Makes me wonder if Brina and Pixel's adventures could come to life? Hmm... 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Capturing 2 generations

From time to time I've been asked to photograph folks and from time to time I'm there to capture moments. This weekend, I was asked to photograph a set of grandparents with all of their grandchildren. Included are also photos of the kids' parents w/ their own parents. ;)

Meet the Arzate Family:


Friday, February 18, 2011

Illustration Fridays :D

I have decided that my sketching/drawing needs practice, as all skills do. So, at minimum, I'll be illustrating on Fridays (or throughout the week)! Oh, and I grabbed the idea from Here.
Last week's topic: Sweater
The text reads: "This sweater was given to me to replace another sweater that I've owned for 17 years." 

I've always been drawn to hooded sweaters. No pun intended. The sweater that's being replaced is an old high school hoodie that belonged to my h.s. bf. LOL My point is that it truly belongs to ME since I've owned it the longest. However, my current Love doesn't agree. More so because it was the first thing I'd throw on when I was cold. Here's the thing, the replacement had to meet the following requirements:
  • Appeal
  • Interior Softness
  • Thickness
  • Comfort
  • And it had to be given to me ;)

Ding! Ding! This new replacement meets all of the above. But shhhh.... I still have the other hoodie hanging in my closet. **grins**
These are the supplies I used. :)
Next Friday's topic will be: Layer

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursdays 1

On my road to being more grateful, I've decided to dedicate at least one day out of the week for all of those people, events and things that I'm sincerely thankful for.

  • First and foremost, I am thankful and oh so very grateful to have an amazing son. Not just any son, but a truly sweet and respectful kid. A son that is so in tune with me that he knows how to read my mood within seconds. A son who at such a young age can calm me down by holding my hand, showing concern and saying everything will be ok. :)
  • I'm thankful for all of the events that have led my life up to this point because without them, I wouldn't be where I am today.
  • I'm thankful that I have a job so that I can pay rent, utilities and purchase food. Also, because it's created more networking for me.
  • I'm thankful for the long road I took to finish my education because along that road I met a lot of folks and learned ton of things.
  • I'm thankful that I've been given the chance to fall in love more than twice in my lifetime.
  • I'm thankful that I have a reliable vehicle that I can drive a long distance without worrying about leaving me stranded for a change. One that has radio stations that I can read because the numbers show up clearly. One that I knew would start despite the negative single digit weather. One that my son feels extra safe in.
  • I'm most grateful to be able to hear the words, "I love you, mom," on almost a daily basis. :)
"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." ~Oprah Winfrey

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thoughts become things...

I've been on a reading binge for the last few years trying to find ways to keep my Ego happy. Because we all know that if the Ego isn't happy, then we're not happy, right? Right. Well no... not so right. Here's the thing, according to Dr. Wayne Dyer, we're born without the Ego. As babies we automatically trust that someone or some higher being will take care of us. Once the Ego comes into play, then we Edge God Out. Pretty brilliant, right? He talks about this in Oprah's Soul Series, which can also be found on YouTube in a collection of 6 segments Here.
He, along with the many authors of books I own, talks about how our collective thoughts become reality. Is that so, you ask? Why yes. Yes it is. The toughest thing to comprehend is that your own thoughts got you to where you are today. Whatever do you mean, you ask? If your mind is focused on negative thoughts about yourself, then guess what? That's what you get. For example, "I'm gonna apply for that job, but someone else will probably get it" or "I want a new car, but I can't afford it. I don't make enough money. I have too many bills."
I've had a tough time re-training my brain to think positively. However, a big part of me believes I've managed to sway my brain into thinking along a more positive road and have accepted that there's a Universe/God that listens. We have approximately 60,000 thoughts a day and there are so many rules! Let's get started:
  1. Avoid speaking and thinking in a negative manner. Which means avoiding the words like can't, won't, not, don't, no and never. This has been pretty challenging when talking to my Mini Me. Instead of telling him, "Don't make a mess," I say, "Try to keep clean." Soccer games was a fun place to hear parents yell negative remarks to their kids. "Don't let him take that ball. Don't stand around. Don't wait for the ball." What do kids do when you tell them "don't"? They do the opposite, right? Right.
  2. On money: Instead of focusing on having too much debt, focus on it being paid off. Focus on receiving checks instead of receiving bills. :)
  3. Be grateful for what you do have and what is yet to come. Say it outloud.
  4. Visualize what you want for yourself. "Momma's strolling through the Louvre with her Mini Me."
  5. Forget about what you don't want (because focusing on what you don't want will make it come true). "Ugh, I hope I don't get called into work today." RRrrrrrring!
  6. See setbacks as opportunities for personal expansion and spiritual growth. If it didn't happen, you wouldn't be where you are now.
  7. There is no such thing as a coincidence! If it happens, listen to it and find the message in it.
  8. Go out and buy a journal and call it your Dream Book and fill it with all your desires, objectives and dreams. For example, if you want that hot rod that you've been eyeballing, paste a picture of it in your Dream Book.
My goal this month is to begin creating a Dream Book or a Vision Board. The Vision Board is where you paste cut outs or photos of the things you want to attract into your world. We'll see what the Universe has in store for me. ;)

Happy thoughts to you and may the force be strong with you!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dia de San Valentín ♥

Valentine's is for the birds. *grumble grumble* Ha ha ha. I actually think it's a great little holiday no matter how commercialized it is. I mean, seriously? Aren't all holidays pretty darned tootin' commercialized? Did I just say "darned tootin'"?? **grins** What's so great about it, you ask? Yeah, folks should show they care about you 375 days out fo the year, but not all of them know how to show it. It's also the one day out the year when Person #1 can finally get the courage to let Person #2 know that Person #1 lusts after them... I mean... loves them. Heh heh. It's the idea of exchanging a loving token of caring and affection that makes it a good day between mother and child, friends, lovers, siblings, neighbors, fellow students and so on. ♥

Anyhow, instead of purchasing a card for my Mini Me, I opted in making a little one with whatever office products I had closest to me. Unfortunately, I don't own a sewing machine nor do I manually sew, soooooo... I bought him a lil guy that's been sitting in the passenger side of my vehicle all day. He's still young enough to appreciate a soft and fluffy teddy bear and I'm taking FULL advantage of that for as long as possible. :)

We had our movie date, afterall, on Friday. I give "Gnomeo and Juliet" two thumbs up and a smile. It's a funny little film! It's definitely going into my miniature blockbuster collection along with all of the other animated films I own... err... I mean... my Mini Me owns. **smirks**

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." ~Author Unknown

Friday, February 11, 2011

It's Friday... I'm in love...

Let's hear it for The Cure and their song Friday I'm in Love! **clap clap clap clap**

My Valentine's weekend started off with a bang! It turns out that my Mini Me's principal decided to have their Valentine's day celebrations TODAY and I was notified THIS MORNING. Luckily, I'd already taken my Mini Me V day shopping two weeks ago. The down side, for my Mini Me, was that he didn't get to make his candy bags. Bright side, for me, was that I got to make 'em. ♥

Tonight is date night w/ my Mini Me and we're heading out to watch "Gnomeo and Juliet". According to him, it's his Best Day Ever because his class was getting pictures taken, it was Free Dress Day AND they have a school dance happening after lunch time. lol Yeah, I had all of this information noted, except the fact that he had to take his Vday cards today.... hmmm.

Here are some quotes to kick off your Valentine's Weekend:

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.” ~Charles M. Schulz, "Peanuts" cartoonist

“I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.” ~Author unknown

"Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away." ~Dorothy Parker

"I wanted to make it really special on Valentine’s day, so I tied my boyfriend up. And for three solid hours I watched whatever I wanted on TV." ~Anonymous

"I just love to do special things for my wife on Valentine’s day. Like open the door for her when she puts all the laundry in the washing machine, or plug and unplug the vacuum as she moves from room to room cleaning. Guys, it’s these little thoughtful things you can do to have a marriage such as mine." ~Anonymous

Hope you all have a great Valentine's Weekend loving others or heck... loving yourself! :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Piercings vs. Tattoos.... or both?

By the time I was twenty-two, I had ten piercings. Eight of which were acquired in a four year time span. I have debated for years on getting a tattoo, but eventually I opt out of it. Not because I'm a chicken... pak pak pakah, but more because it's oh so.... "permanent". Technically, piercings are supposed to close up and leave no visible trail of their probing, right? Well, not everyone's closes up. A tat, however, no matter how much you pay to remove it, a tattoo leaves a mark.

I stopped getting myself pierced when I got hitched as part of a truce. He wasn't fond of piercings and I wasn't too fond of tattoos. If he got another tattoo, I got a piercing. Neither of us gave in.

Now, it's a different story. I've been itching to get another piercing or piercings and possibly get inked. I'm not the only one who's itching. My Mini Me has been asking to have his ear(s) pierced for a couple of years now. Aside from seeing all of my piercings, he became more intrigued when he sas a young guy with gaged piercings in both ears (similar to the photo). I was in fourth grade the first time I saw a fellow male classmate with a pierced ear. My Mini Me is close to that age bracket.

I'm ok with him getting his ears pierced IF he starts sporting shorter hair and avoids using gages until he's older. However, his dad isn't ok with piercings and I have to respect it. More so, because my Mini Me also likes tattoos and claims he wants one. Luckily, there are fake tattoos he can have airbrushed or moistened on. Yeah, there are fake earrings, too, but where's the fun in that?! Anyhow, he can make the decision to permanently tattoo his body when he turns 18. End of story. lol

I'm old enough to get inked, but am still not sure if I want it done. Four years ago, I'd designed a tat for myself and drove to a local tattoo parlor. I put a down payment to reserve a time slot and walked out. I never did go back and the tattoo artist kept my down payment. Currently, I'm good w/ not having gone through with being inked up w/ the tattoo I'd originally designed; much less w/ the location on my body it would've been placed on. We'll just leave it at that. lol

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

But she's your mother! *sigh*

Last night I did something I knew would upset my dear mother. I told the truth.

Today I was lectured about it and of course I retaliated.

Parents just don't understand!

What happened? You ask? In short, a neighbor of long, long, LONG ago stopped by my mother's place for a visit. My mom didn't notify me and knew that she'd asked me to stop by, too. I walk in and my mom mouths to me that So-and-So was in the restroom. First thing that crosses my mind is, "Why didn't you call me to tell me ahead of time?!" Because I had picked up dinner for 2 (my Mini Me and my mom... I wasn't hungry). It's RUDE not to offer food, right?

Anyhow, my mom offers So-and-So her meal and So-and-So declines. While I'm filling out paperwork for my mother (which is the reason I had to go over), So-and-So sparks up a conversation. It was the basic questions of, "Where are you living now? Oh, I thought you lived with your mom. How old are your kids?" Etc. Etc. Then, came my mother's most dreaded question addressed to me. "And your husband?" *sigh* Here's the thing, my mother lies about my life. She tells her people that I'm 'happily' married. I'm going on 2 years of being happily divorced! She wants to play up some crazy life that doesn't exist! The day I told her that I'd filed for divorce, she blamed ME for his cheating and why my marriage fell apart. How backwards is that?!

The point is, I'm a happier person and that still means nothing in her eyes. She'd rather I lie to someone who doesn't pay my bills or has no significance in my life, IN FRONT of my Mini Me, just to keep up with this idealized life she's envisioned?! Well, no thank you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Salt spills. Panic arises. What do you do??! Oh my! In my world, you grab the salt and toss it over your left shoulder or else that pesky bad luck sweeps in and pulls the rug from under you. Where did I learn this valuable lesson? I don't know. Is it true? Well, it depends on if you believe it or not. It's irrational. I know, but it's what I do. It's become an automatic response on my behalf.

Today, my Mini Me spilled salt at a restaurant. Guess what happened next? I passed on my belief. **big grin** My son thought it was funny and was happy to toss the salt over his left shoulder. =D

I have another "salt superstition" and this one comes w/ story. Yay! Storytime! Once upon a time, my roommate, Carlos, invited me over to dinner at his mom's house. He, his brother (Matthew) and I sat down to eat at the coffee table. Unfortunately, I don't remember what we were eating, but apparently it was lacking salt. So, I asked Carlos to pass me the salt. As is common with most folks, he picked up the salt and attempted to hand it to me. I asked him to set it down on the table because.... guess?! YES! Because it's bad luck to pass the salt from one hand to another. Muah ha ha ha ha ha. Both he and Matthew turned to look at one another and busted out laughing. Then, in order to taunt me more, guess what the two silly boys did?? They started handing the salt to one another back and forth and chanting out loud that something bad was going to happen. I rolled my eyes, shrugged my shoulders and said, "Oook," and proceeded to have my meal. After the taunting, Carlos had stepped into the kitchen to grab his plate of food and returned into the living room to eat with me when CRASH! His plate fell and broke on the living room floor. Guess who laughed hardest? ME! From that day forward, he and his family called me a Bruja-ja. What can I say? Boo! ;)

My mom has passed on her "religious" superstitions, which I would call as curandera beliefs. If you're in a rut and are having a lot of bad luck or have been terribly spooked, then it all means that you need a cleansing.What does that entail? An egg, a glass of water and the Apostles Creed. The bearer of bad fortune lays quietly on their back with their arms extended while the "curandera" passes a raw egg over the body in a form of a cross beginning w/ the head. The "curandera" continuously passes the egg over the body while reciting 3 Apostle's Creeds. Then, cracks the egg open and pours it into the glass of water. If there are threads from the egg yolk rising from it, then the bearer of bad luck truly had bad luck and has been cleansed. I know that I've always felt better afterwards as my Mini Me has. Whether or not it's true depends on the believer. In essence, it's a form of meditative prayer that helps relax the bearer. And heck, thoughts become things. If you think you're cleansed, then you are. ;) Below I've embedded a video that depicts what these eggs may look like after a cleansing.

My list of superstitions:
1. Spilled salt: Toss salt over your left shoulder to prevent bad luck.
2. Passing salt is a big no no because it brings bad luck.
3. Do NOT leave purse on floor or the devil will steal your $.
4. Bite your tongue when your ears ring to stop people from speaking ill about you.

There are tons of superstions that I'm aware of but do not necessarily cling on to. Unlike most folks, I actually find Friday the 13th as a comforting day(s) out of the year.

There was another instance with my former roommate, Carlos, that truly led him to believe that I was a witch. LOL But I'll save it for another storytime.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Things around here keep getting interesting. Last night, the city of El Paso, made it mandatory to its citizens to ONLY use water for drinking purposes. No more showers, using car washes, laundro mats and I'm guessing, no more flushing toilets! And please don't forget to boil your water before you drink it because some folks are getting contaminated water. In my opinion, boiled water isn't very drinkable... well, not immediately. *joke*

Since the city has critical water shortages and mandatory restrictions in place, my mini Me and I rushed over to the nearest Walmart to stock up on water. People were walking out w/ 1-2 carts full of water. Granted, my lil place hasn't run out running water, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Besides, if things improve, we'll have more than enough water to throw an H2O party! Woo hoo! ;)

On another note, my mini Me doesn't have school again tomorrow due to all of the restrictions and shortages. I, on the other hand, will be working my lil booty off. *sigh* Ten hour days for two weeks just to make up for last week's El Paso Ice Age days. :/

Oh, and for those of you that noticed that I went to my least favorite store for water: My experience at the Walmart I went to was GREAT. No sarcasm intended. The isles were clean, it was spacious and organized, the store set up was comfortable and there was a handful of folks! So, IF I have to make my way to another Walmart, I'll drive 20+ minutes to this particular Walmart vs the Walmart I have 1 block away (which makes the 11s on my forehead way more pronounced than they need to be).

Friday, February 4, 2011


Here's another little post about the weather and how I'm currently adjusting to it.

Today, my place of employment is open and I had to make an appearance. Knowing that I work in an old, historical building, I layered up as much as possible and have yet to shed any of it off. Better yet, I found myself some old leggings that were stashed deep in my drawers of happy warmness. It's almost fair to say that it's probably as cold indoors as it is outdoors. It's challenging to type with gloves on; as can be seen in the pic over on the right side. Yeah... those are my gloves. And no! Before you say it, my fingers aren't nubs. They're bent down in a typing manner trying to find the right keys. lol

The city of El Paso, TX is still undergoing Rolling Blackouts, which means that while I'm typing, my computer and little heater might shut down.

Last night, we lost power for about an hour in half hour increments. Luckily it returned just in time to watch Grey's Anatomy. Boy! That Callie was a riot, wasn't she? Pregnancy makes some women a lil crazy. Not me, though. I was a great pregnant lady in my day. :D

Anyhow, my Mini Me hasn't had school for 3 days now. He's currently trucking around town with his dad trying to find some place to have breakfast because there are power outages throughout the city. They both sat and ordered their meals at a local Denny's only to have the electricity shut down as they'd received their drinks. They were then told that it'd be 2 hours before their meal was ready! So, they left and headed out to lunch instead.

Right now, I'm wondering if my co-workers would think I'm crazy for dragging a heater into the women's restroom to heat up the toilet seat. Ha ha ha ha!

It's insane how our lives have been affected with this single digit weather and how much we all rely on our utilities. Thank goodness we have a roof over our heads, warm blankets and food to keep us acclimating. ♥

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside... and INSIDE!

In all of my years of living in El Paso, I'd never experienced single digit degrees with a "feels" like negative double digits. Those types of temps belong up north! Last night's 10 o'clock news showed us at 8° F while both Chicago, IL and Buffalo, NY were at higher temps. El Paso is known to experience all sorts of weird weather all in a single day, though. We can go from sunny and hot, to cool and breezy, to rainy and snowy with a chance of dust sandwiches. What's not normal, is reaching a high of 7°! lol

Yesterday, we had "Rolling Blackouts" that were supposed to last 30-45 minutes. Ours lasted 9 hours beginning at 9:30 in the morning. Schools and most places of employments were closed for the day, including today, in order to conserve energy. A lot of folks in the surrounding areas were also without water and gas. We were out of electricity, which controls our heat and stove, so after a while we opted to hang out at Walmart for a few hours. Not only was I able to charge my phone, but I got to spend my day off at Wally World!!! **sarcasm completely intended**

My mini me and my roomie's son spent the day building forts with cushions and blankets pretending to be attacked by humans (mainly me). After a while, they both began to watch the snow fall outside and were quickly hypnotized. The snow kept beckoning for them to, "Come out... come out wherever you are....". And so, after not believing their mommies that the temperatures outside were too low, they dressed themselves for the best fun they could have outdoors. After 15 minutes of being out in the fun 9° weather, they came trucking back indoors full of ICE and wanting to take a warm bath. Muah ha ha... no baths for you cuz we told you there was NO electricity! Sometimes, they have to learn on their own, right?

Anyhow, despite the lack of electricity, it was memerizing to watch the snow fall from the comfort of out own lil home. ♥
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention. Since we didn't have electricity for so long, we stuck our fridge essentials into an ice chest and left it outside in the cold. lol Things froze!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog Management

Apparently, I'm the only one that finds myself so interesting that I have to split myself into 5 blogs! Hardy Har Har. Well, today I've decided to condense my enormous ego into 2 blogs. One to rant and rave in and the other to post all of my creative outlets. This blog will remain as is. My Eclectic Endeavours Blog will acquire new neighboring visual stimulation.

Initially, I'd set it up as an exclusive club where only my photos could be members. One of my many voices said to me, "You should allow access to your Jane of all Trades side instead of insisting to manage 5 blogs. This is why you have Squirrel Syndrome; due to lack of time management!" Sometimes these voices of mine can really grab my attention. Instead of thumb twiddling today and waiting around for snow to fall, I'll take on this lil self-appreciating, attention seeking project. ♥