Wednesday, February 9, 2011

But she's your mother! *sigh*

Last night I did something I knew would upset my dear mother. I told the truth.

Today I was lectured about it and of course I retaliated.

Parents just don't understand!

What happened? You ask? In short, a neighbor of long, long, LONG ago stopped by my mother's place for a visit. My mom didn't notify me and knew that she'd asked me to stop by, too. I walk in and my mom mouths to me that So-and-So was in the restroom. First thing that crosses my mind is, "Why didn't you call me to tell me ahead of time?!" Because I had picked up dinner for 2 (my Mini Me and my mom... I wasn't hungry). It's RUDE not to offer food, right?

Anyhow, my mom offers So-and-So her meal and So-and-So declines. While I'm filling out paperwork for my mother (which is the reason I had to go over), So-and-So sparks up a conversation. It was the basic questions of, "Where are you living now? Oh, I thought you lived with your mom. How old are your kids?" Etc. Etc. Then, came my mother's most dreaded question addressed to me. "And your husband?" *sigh* Here's the thing, my mother lies about my life. She tells her people that I'm 'happily' married. I'm going on 2 years of being happily divorced! She wants to play up some crazy life that doesn't exist! The day I told her that I'd filed for divorce, she blamed ME for his cheating and why my marriage fell apart. How backwards is that?!

The point is, I'm a happier person and that still means nothing in her eyes. She'd rather I lie to someone who doesn't pay my bills or has no significance in my life, IN FRONT of my Mini Me, just to keep up with this idealized life she's envisioned?! Well, no thank you.


  1. Hmm sorry dux, that stinks. :( I get the frustration.. I guess for it's easier to make up a story then try to explain the truth? Not making excuses for her, just saying she probably sees it differently... Have you told her not to lie about your life to others especially in front of C... because even he can see his mommy is much happier now and can understand the whole divorce so no need to paint a different pic.

  2. That was the discussion we had on the phone. I told her that I don't care to lie infront of C. That she can continue blabbing her lies if she wants but to leave me out of it. Oh, and next time to warn me when her peeps are over so that I don't stop by. :/ Grrr...
