I came across an e-mail that stated the idea of having a meeting in "your own backyard". Basically it means that this meeting is located in the same town that this individual lives in. As I do most days, I analyzed and broke apart the idea of El Paso, TX being MY backyard. My mind drifted to images of a dog trapped in his owner's backyard. In fact, I began to picture my own dog, Brina. I saw her running back and forth across the yard waiting for me to get home so that I can let her into the house. I pictured her sitting at the fence longing to see something or someone different as the hours go on. Then I thought about the rare moments she gets to leave the backyard to go on walks or trips in the car. My point is, I feel like my dog, trapped in my own backyard. My heart races when I get to travel outside the fence. It reminded me of how excited Brina gets when she hears the clinking of her tags on her dog collar indicating she's going for a rarely given walk. It seems that no matter how loud I bark, I'm stuck in my backyard. I could go on and on about the ill feelings I have about living in El Paso, but I'll save that for another day.
I was so scared to leave. And so many times I've wanted to go back. Not necessarily back to El Paso, but as it is home and I equate that with family, I get those moments. Then I talk to them on the phone and I'm all good again (smile). Kidding. But not really...which is kind of sad. Any day you want to come visit Seattle, we've got spare room...two as a matter of fact.
ReplyDeleteI wish it were that simple.